Art Business Ideas to Jump Start Your Career

May 23, 2023, 11:46 p.m.

If you want to combine your artistic talents with your entrepreneurial savvy and launch a firm to use your creative abilities, you've come to the right place.

art business ideas

Some artistically inclined people will immediately know what type of business they want to start, while others may need to take some time to consider how their skills can be used in an economically feasible way. However, this list should give you some initial direction.

What is an Art Business?

So many businesses today involve creativity in some form or another. And when we think of creative enterprises, art will often come to mind. But endless types of businesses could be considered creative - writing, music composition, web design, pastry making... the list goes on and on! If you're an artist yourself, you'll probably want to focus your attention on small-scale business ventures that make the most use of your talents. This might include mediums such as photography, graphic design, or painting.

What is a Good Idea?

There are many art business ideas, but some have more earning potential than others (if that is important to you). If you want to find a solid creative art business idea, you'll need to be able to expand your artistic skills into a promising business. It would help if you considered the following questions when thinking of starting an in-person or online art business.

  • Will people actually pay for this product or service?
  • Is it possible to both make a profit and offer an affordable product?
  • Is this company able to capitalize on trends without being a passing "it" moment?
  • How many other businesses provide the same product or service in the chosen market?
  • Who is my competition?


Greeting cards can be a work of art when paired with the appropriate design and text. It is worth noting that people buy numerous cards throughout the year for a variety of reasons. Take advantage of your flair for design and sharp wit to develop a line of one-of-a-kind and distinctive greeting cards. Launching a greeting card company may be quite cost-effective because your materials will be less expensive than other types of art.

Depending on your business model, you may not need to create them until after the order comes in, so you don't risk having unsold goods. You'll get customers begging for more if they can feel something while looking at your cards.


You can use your art sense to start a company while pursuing your interests, much like curating antiques. Customers seeking art for their personal collections may benefit from the services of art consultants. You must be an expert in the field of art; cough *arts majors* cough, as well as keep track of what's going on in the market.

It's a little more work, but word-of-mouth marketing will be an important element in promoting this sort of company. Once you've built a few satisfied clients, expect your business to take off from there.


In today's age, where social media constantly surrounds us, it is no wonder that photography is becoming more and more appreciated as an art form. If you are interested in starting your own photography business, you can take many different paths.

Nature and travel photography sell to media outlets or tourism boards; photograph events, such as weddings, birth announcements, and parties; work for a product-based business photographing their products for use on their website or promotional material. Instead of having to choose just one medium, many artists find that they can explore a variety of options in this field, making it an ideal profession for them.


If you're passionate about making art that can be enjoyed through all five senses, starting a candle business might be for you. A great candle expertly mixes and combines style, design, and scent to transport customers into another world. However, because this market is oversaturated with competitors, it will take some true creativity if you want your brand to succeed.


If you consider yourself creative but don't have the technical skills to create art, that's okay! You can use your excellent taste to source specific vintage pieces for customers. Finding these antiques can be time-consuming and expensive, but if you're up for the challenge, there's money to be made.

You can have a ton of fun by starting a business that curates antiques. You would be responsible for scouting through thrift shops and estate sales to unearth the best pieces for your customers, who are willing to pay top dollar for your keen eye and great taste.

Try Calligraphy

Beautiful penmanship is one thing, but calligraphy is a next-level talent that very few people possess. A freelance calligraphy business can be a great way to meet the needs of businesses and customers who appreciate beautiful calligraphy. Calligraphy is used in many different ways, from place cards to invitations or other art forms. So if you have a talent for calligraphy, consider starting your own freelance business.

Graphic Design

We operate in a digital environment, which implies that digital art is just as essential. Starting a graphic design firm is an excellent way to stretch your creative muscles while offering a useful service to clients.

Graphic designers can work on branding efforts such as developing logos and social media graphics for companies, creating product designs, websites or selling design templates. There is no end to the variety of graphic design projects available, ranging from fun and inventive tasks to B2B sales materials.


Strong branding is necessary to convey a clear and memorable message to customers. While many large businesses may have on-staff branding experts, smaller companies may require help.

If you're the type of person who likes to help businesses design a creative project from start to finish, then a career in branding consulting may be perfect for you. Combining skills like copywriting, photography, and design, successful brand consultants can make quite a lot of money doing what they love - working with & helping businesses create their visual identity.


If you're good at art and have a steady hand, tattooing may be the perfect business idea for you. Tattoos are becoming more popular daily, and people are increasingly willing to spend money on high-quality tattoos. Keep in mind that being a professional tattoo artist requires skills and practice—it's truly an art form.

Sculpting and Painting

Sculpting and painting are time-honored methods of art that will always have an audience. With the advent of technology, it is now easier than ever to sell your paintings and sculptures to a wider range of people.

An online presence or portfolio can avoid expensive gallery and studio spaces. Thanks to the internet and global shipping options, selling your art is now easy--with a limitless customer base.


An art director's job title can include a variety of responsibilities. Art directors are in charge of the overall design for a project, whatever form it takes. What most art directors have in common is that they plan the overall design for a project, no matter what it looks like. If you love styling, photography, graphic design, and typography, being an art director might be just what you need to put them all together.

Become a Teacher

If you have any of the creative talents listed previously, see if you can share your expertise by instructing others. Host a group painting lesson, teach sculpting, and show students how to capture the perfect shot; you have endless possibilities.

You might give digital painting lessons or create informative media content. Maybe you'd want to start a platform where other educators may use your material in their classes. Experiment with various teaching styles until you discover one that works for you, then share your idea with everyone!

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